In The Beginning . . .

Mexico City, Mexico
Eighteen Years Young
Living for Jesus Christ the risen Lord
Passionate About Music
Life Is Harder, but Far Greater If You Just Let God Drive The Van.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Going home...

I fly out of Mexico City tonight, on my way home. It’s almost a surreal experience. . So often I have thought about home, and looked forward to the moment when I get on a plane and go. But of course now the time is here, and this strange feeling overwhelms me, Bitter-Sweet.
I’ve spent my life on the East Coast of Australia, yet the last 7 months I have spent in West Coast Australia and Mexico City. Why is it that now I don’t know where I belong?
Mexico City – meeting my Mexican brothers and sisters, experiencing a new culture, language, food, music and seeing God in a way I never thought I would. The people in YWAM Perth and all around the world that I’ve had a privilege to learn from and grow with. I’ve never experienced anything like this, and the thought of going home becomes somewhat daunting. I’ve realised that home isn’t my house, but home is where my heart is. Home is Mexico City. Home is Perth. Home is Family and my dogs. Home is living the life God has planned for me.

Media Boomerang

Well, the last month has been super busy. The media boomerang didn't work out exactly how we planned but we are very happy with what we have done, and how we have come to know God more.

Here is what we did in the last month in Mexico City:

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Quote of the Day

"I recognise the many gifts that are given to those around me and I pray for the humility to be able to rely on them, trusting in God¹s Spirit given to them. I give thanks to God for the Spirit given to me and pray that I may give witness to that Spirit by what I say and do."

Found by Richard on

Monday, September 20, 2010

Media Boomerang Kicks Off

And thus a season ends, DTS is over, finished and a new season begins and God has a new task for myself and our team of seven. So far the vision of the Media Boomerang is to capture how God has been moving in the city and share it. How, What form, For what people and how will we do it in a month? Well we haven't quite figured that out yet. Day one is over. Something our team feels is most important is that this is God's outreach and we need to gain more understanding of how he feels and what he thinks.

Our Team: Gayb, Ansen, Elli, Britt, Arien, Richard & Ji Eun

Therefore: Today we went for a walk just outside of our house. We spent time praying asking God what he thinks is beautiful. This is what we came up with!

(Taken by Elli)

We cover things with paint, with a face to hide what is true and real. But God loves the real, he see's the beauty within, the beauty underneath! (Taken by Elli)

(Taken by Elli)

Colors - bring life, hope and God's Character. (Taken by Elli)

God values each person, as an individual. It's amazing! (Taken by Richard)

Children (Taken by Ji Eun)

Family (Taken by Ji Eun)

(Taken by Ji Eun)

The animals are in God's heart (Taken by Ji Eun)

Beauty is in the heart (Taken by Ji Eun)

(Taken by Ji Eun)

(Taken by AnSen)

(Taken by AnSen)

(Taken by AnSen)

(Taken by AnSen)

(Taken by AnSen)

(Taken by Myself)

(Taken by myself)

(Taken by myself)

This picture stuck out to me because I've noticed such a strong culture and passion in the city that is shown through each person. But what I have seen is a nation with fire for what they believe in, and the most amazing things I've seen is those who love Jesus! (Taken by myself)

(Taken by myself)

(Taken by Myself)

(Taken by Myself)

A home (Taken by myself)

Love, Family - the way God designed it to be!(Taken by myself)

God's heart is for each individual person, each story and each hurt. (Taken by myself)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mexico City Bicentenary & Coffee at Sears - looking over the city


Crowds on the eve of Celebration!

Global Youth Outreach (GYO) - Mexico City

Doing some worship before we start the day (Photo - Shelly Krill)

A team photo, with the local mexicans ready to share God's love

The Park in Xochimilco (Shelly Krills photo)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


So Week 1!
The first week we arrived and read through the Bible. We do this to prepare ourselves in some ways, to lay a foundation and to get God's heart for the area and the peopl.

We spent alot of time getting used to the food (which we have been so blessed with probably the best torta place in all of Mexico across the road). We spent time getting to know the area and praying. We also met some amazing new Mexican friends which join us in doing evangelism, and we also went to our first Church service in Mexico City.

Here are some images that can help describe where I live:

Chun and I off to Church

Reading the Bible in Zocalo with Michelle (another Aussie)

The Cathedral at Zocalo - Meanwhile Fifa Fanfest is set up for the World Cup

The view of all the homes


I really love this car, alot look similar to this actually.

Fresh fruit is a bonus!

Housing - I really love the bright vibrant colours

The Metro - generally an alright experience. Except at peak hours where your likely to be squished up against the glass doors!

Dinner at our house with our new Mexican friends!